Who started Nomadixx Music Production, Nomadixx,LLC?
Sinta Spector, Director/CEO is a mixed South African American, woman who has lived in five different countries around the world, is the creator of Nomadixx. The word Nomadixx derives from nomad, nomadic lifestyle, and she uses Nomadixx as the modern terminology, for nomad. She studied a number of artistic skills in different situations and different places, but one big question underlies this industry, "Who" runs it? Why are men the main focal point in these artistic industries for centuries, and why has there not been a change of who manifests its vision. Nomadixx is to be a company which is already run by a woman, but to build a music production studio, literally from the group up, using blue prints, sketches and Sinta’s skill in all fields, to create this vision. Sexual harassment, has been a big problem and very glad things are changing, as women are beginning to speak up about it. Sure it happens both ways, however more predominantly, with men most often than not taking advantage of women in power hungry positions. Owners of a recording studios, would be one of those positions. Also Studios are known for copious amounts of drugs, and most often than not, recording studios are built off of the drug industry, which is very sad. Sinta wants to change this and work hard to make Nomadixx a drug free, woman owned, built from the ground up, with construction, and architectural design, manifestation. Hygiene is another big thing she wants to address, especially during our world Epidemics, of Covid 2019. This is a very big concern, though we have the Covid 19 Vaccines, there is still much to be done about making sure places are maintained and kept hygienic, so this may be eradicated, starting with new visions and new directions in society, but done in the right way. At present Sinta builds the website, creates projects, does the graphic design for the invitations, takes the photographs, does the catalogues, writes the research, does the presentations, and designs and sews the garments from time to time. This is the only person at present working on Nomadixx. The vision did begin when Sinta was living in South Africa during her studies in her Masters in fine arts, focusing on African art history, throughout all of Africa.
What is Nomadixx Music Production Nomadixx,LLC?
Nomadixx Music Production Nomadixx.LLC is a company Sinta Spector has worked on for a long time, focusing on the music industry, but no restricted to, since she has a number of skills in graphic design, fine arts, music, fashion and more, which she believes, all these elements which make up this industry. Right now she is starting small with a space she is living in, teaching online, selling stock online, some of her designs, some she collects. During her years working Guitar Center, in Maryland, and Bach to Rock in Bethesda, Sinta found many gaps missing in music education. If one comes from a different country the way music is taught varies for one, how women are treated in the industry, and how people differ, in what they want to learn and where they see themselves in music or the arts. Listening to clients rather than directing them as to what they have to do, is how Sinta works. Sinta comes from a family of well rounded musician. Her sister was on the Voice in South Africa, her mother is from a mixed South African, background, as an Opera singer, with her struggles during the Apartheid, was not easy for her surely, and Sinta, always had a dream of being a female producer, and becoming an owner of her own business in music, since she did not have a brother and is the oldest sibling of herself and her sister. On Sinta's Jewish American Father's side, Sinta's cousin is also a musician who has traveled and developed her own set up a one point in her musically world life-style. But Sinta would be the first on both sides of her family to ever start a music recording studio and fashion business, in one.
Where is Nomadixx Music Production Nomadixx,LLC at present?
At present Nomadixx Music Production Nomadixx,LLC, is located in an Apartment Sinta, at 5225 Pooks Hill Rd part 315 South Bethesda MD 20814. It is not a big studio, since the space is no more than 640 feet in total. Her partner at present, works for CBS news, building up their studios, and is the tech support for the DC CBS group. Her complex does a have place Sinta did pay for, in which is was able to use, for a show under Nomadixx,LLC before she developed it into a real business, in 2018. She also does business online at present with clients, which has been great during the Covid 19 shut down. A larger vision for Nomadixx Music Production, Nomadixx,LLC is in the works. It takes time to build up a business, and making sure all angles are correct before it completely takes off, is very important.
When will Nomadixx,LLC be happening?
Sinta, has already started Nomadixx as the side hustle while she was employed by companies already. She is no longer working within those companies and now is venturing to make Nomadixx her full time position, as owner and Director/ CEO of Nomadixx Music Production Nomadixx,LLC. Sinta has plans to expand this vision, work with more musicians, produce music, as the setup manifests some more.
Why is Nomadixx Music Production Nomadixx,LLC needed?
Nomadixx Music Production, Nomadixx,LLC is needed for people of all backgrounds, and to guide young women in the industry, to prove a woman is just as equal as a man, and women can do anything men can do. The music production industry is lacking women leaders in music recording studios who build, create, and keep a space safe, in a number of different perspective as described at the beginning of this page. Not enough women are involved in music, on the music production side beyond just the education. Sinta’s first experience in music production, was in Tokyo Japan, at her high school, when she was 16 years old in which she won an award for her art and music collaborations for, The American School in Japan, in 1998. In 1998, there was no music production class in Maryland to be found anywhere. Only now is it beginning to surface. Sinta has been composing music since she was of the age of 6 years old.
How will Nomadixx Music Production help people?
Nomadixx will help people be in a safe, stylish, creative environment where racial discrimination will be eliminated, where women, and young ladies can feel safe, with their parents and others around them, where they can relax a bit, where drugs are banned, where smoking of any form is also banned, and to maintain a hygienic space that people will respect and help take care of as a collective. Where all forms of art are welcome, not just music but to keep the focus within the music world. And to make it fun to learn different skills. A recording studio is not just a place to record, but to learn valuable skills for ones future, and to keep the focus so others will not fall into the trap of a mainly male dominated industry.